
Welcome to a bit chaotic! A collection of essays where the messiness of life and womanhood meet journalism. Finding inspiration in the news, books, and overheard conversations at the pub, drawing from personal experience and observations, I write about anything from girlhood to early mornings, masculinity, democracy and late trains, anger, night walks, town high streets and the 4-day week.

I studied journalism and now work as a data researcher in gender equality. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, I love questioning everything to find patterns, parallels and connections or make theories in the whiteboard-red thread type of way. And that’s it, that’s all there is to know about me. That, and the fact that I’m Carole with an e ‘cause I’m from Belgium.

what you get

You will receive my stories and theories on Wednesday, at least three times a month, but it may be more, may be less. I am mysterious what can I say?
This is my writing laboratory, it gets messy as I experiment with things and other stuff.
Paid subscribers, supporters of a woman in the Arts, get my eternal gratitude <3

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seriously chaotic essays and theories + party critic


strong independent woman™/ kind of a bitch / spells and misspell specialist