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"There was a shift where being called a feminist became an insult."

A feminist is someone who claims men have chosen to systematically oppress women. This kind of oppression is like no other form of oppression, given that men live alongside women, are raised by women, have intimate relationships and co-dependent partnerships with women, and make children with women.

For men to hate their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters to the point of systematically oppressing them makes men complete psychopaths. Only psychopaths are capable of the systematic oppression of those they live with.

In the real world men are hard wired to have strong protective urges towards women, and even to sacrifice their own comfort, safety and even their lives to protect and provide for women. So to accuse men of oppressing women is to hit them where it most hurts. Therefore to be a feminist is to not just insult men but to torture them.

The accusation of systematic oppression of women (patriarchy theory) provokes many men to pretty much do and say anything to clear their names, redeem themselves and prove that they do not hate women at all (and in fact cherish and adore women, as most men do). Therefore to be a feminist is to not just insult men and to torture them, but also to callously and expertly manipulate them too. The answer to 'patriarchy theory' is for men to self sacrifice for women (he for she) - which is already hard wired into men anyway. Thus feminism / patriarchy theory is just exploiting (weaponising) a hard wired male - female dynamic which already exists.

I think this is why identifying as a feminist is regarded as a massive red flag among free thinking, self aware men (and women). One cannot adhere to feminist ideology (an oppressor/ oppressed dynamic) and have a functional, healthy, productive relationship with a man - or with men generally. Feminism defines men as the enemy of women, after all!

The men who accept and applaud feminist ideology and try to appease feminists tend to be damaged themselves, often at the hands of women. Given that feminism is - in essence - a male power fantasy (feminism defines men as all powerful oppressors with full agency and women as helpless powerless victims with no agency) any male who embraces the feminist narrative is asserting dominance over women, by definition..... while equally dropping to his knees and begging for forgiveness and social approval. This is really messed up.

This is why a feminist identity is often regarded as a red flag in both sexes. Healthy relationships are based on equal power, trust and mutual responsibility - which is the exact opposite of the dynamic promoted by feminist ideology.

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